Make a donation
Why not make a donation to ISPN?

About ISPN
The International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery is incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation in in the State of New York, USA. Our mission statement states that we seek to promote the health of children throughout the world by encouraging the ethical transmission and exchange of neuroscientific information and techniques related to Pediatric Neurosurgery.
To achieve this we provide time, energy and funds to support educational activities globally and promote communication amongst pediatric neurosurgeons, scientists, politicians and government through out the world to advance and promote the care of children with neurosurgical conditions.
Our aim is to develop relationships with other international organizations committed to the improvement of the health and welfare of the sick and underprivileged child and at the same time carry out education at a national and international level to develop good practice.
Finally we also aim to support younger colleagues working in developing countries by providing scholarships for attendance at our annual meeting and for educational courses.
How will your donation help?
There are inevitably costs related to our work which are for the most part covered by the annual membership subscriptions. Be assured that all ISPN officers provide their time on a voluntary basis to support our (educational) efforts. By making a donation to the society, you help us in spreading our message and reach a wider audience. Recent donations have been used to support our educational program and to widen our outreach through improvements in our website.
Whichever country in the world you live in, your donation will go towards helping children not only in your own country but throughout the world.