Home » In memoriam » Prof. Michel Zerah (1956-2021)
Prof. Michel Zerah
t is with great sorrow that the ISPN members learned that our esteemed colleague Pr. Michel Zerah passed away. He was a teacher of many and a friend of all of us.
Michel was an internationally renowned pediatric neurosurgeon working in Paris, France at Necker Enfants Hospital. His outstanding lectures and presentations were highly appreciated all around the world adding a particular charm to the several educational events the ISPN organized in all the continents. On these occasions as well as during the annual meetings of the Society he proved his exceptional knowledge of pediatric neurosurgery, his ability to discover new facets of neurosurgical conditions, his outstanding qualities of teacher and surgeon, and, even more important, his open mind and frank camadery.
It is a great loss for the ISPN.
We will miss him and we will not forget him.
On behalf of the ISPN Executive Board,
Federico di Rocco