ISPN medical students, residents & trainees education course – Module 11

Following multiple requests from the participants, a module providing some insight into the daily practice is now added to our ISPN medical students, residents & trainees education course:
Module 11 – The pediatric neurosurgery clinic
Friday, 26 May 17:00-19:00 CEST
Moderators: Nelci Zanon (Brazil) | Jeffrey Blount (United States) | Noor UI Huda Maria (Pakistan)
Welcome & overview of the webinar series – ISPN
Membership & the Guide
1 – Clinical diagnosis on pediatric neurosurgery | Adrian Caceres (Costa Rica)
2 – History taking in pediatric neurosurgery | Akira Gomi (Japan)
3 – The neurological examination in children | Zulma Tovar Spinoza (United States)
4 – Special consideration on imaging guidelines for pediatric patients | Martina Messing-Jünger (Germany)
5 – How to deal with incidental findings | Suchanda Bhattacharjee (India)