We conduct various surveys to gather data and insights on a variety of Pediatric Neurosurgical topics. In addition, we can also endorse surveys conducted by our members and support in the distribution through ISPN channels.
In an effort to ensure the quality of surveys, avoid repetition, and ensure the projects have direct relevancy to our membership, a framework has been established to evaluate survey requests.
To have your survey endorsed by the ISPN, please review the ISPN Standard Operating procedure on survey endorsement:
When we have any open surveys – You can find the respective information below.
Absence of flow void following prior ETV
- Principal Investigators (PIs): Jonathan Roth and Jehuda Soleman
- Collaboration: In collaboration with the International Federation of Neuroendoscopy (IFNE)
- Description: This survey examines the absence of flow void in patients who have undergone Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy (ETV).
Following a technically successful ETV, sagittal MRI scans (T2, flow studies) are expected to demonstrate a flow void (F/V) signal through the stoma.
In an asymptomatic patient and no flow on postop MRI, the question remains if the patient is at risk for developing symptoms, including sudden death, and therefore should the patient be “prophylactically” treated (redo ETV vs. a shunt).
This international survey focuses on the treatment options in an asymptomatic patient, following a technically successful ETV in the absence of a F/V on sagittal T2 sequences on follow up scans.
In this category we will include: 1) Patients with no F/V following the ETV, 2) Patients with disappearance of a prior F/V.
Prenatal treatment for MMC
- Principal Investigators (PIs):
- Collaboration:
- Description:
- Link: