Our committee is involved in various collaborative international studiesto further advance pediatric neurosurgery and scientific collaboration between members. Below are the current studies, including a basic outline and contact details for the Principal Investigators (PIs).
Pediatric Epilepy Interest Group – PESIG
This was the first ISPN endorsed group. established within the initial focus of the committee: the Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery Interest Group (PESIG).
- Principal Investigators: Jonathan Roth & Shlomi Constantini
- Description: The roles of this interest group are:
- To unite pediatric neurosurgeons from around the world, who treat children with epilepsy.
- Share knowledge between members.
- Collect ideas for study collaborations from the interest group.
- Initiate focused studies based on these ideas.
VNS following Callosotomy for Refractory Epilepsy
- Principal Investigator (PI): Jonathan Roth – jonaroth@gmail.com
- Description: This study focuses on the outcomes of Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) following callosotomy in patients with refractory epilepsy.
Coming soon: A comprehensive list of prior collaborative ISPN studies for easy access.
Craniopharyngioma under the age of 3 years
- Principal Investigator (PI): Shlomi Constantini
- Description: This study investigates the treatment and outcomes of craniopharyngioma in children under the age of three.
- Status: Data collection completed.