Research interest groups
In an effort to further advance pediatric neurosurgery and scientific collaboration between members, ISPN has now started endorsed research activities, and the creation of focused clinical/scientific interest groups.

Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery Interest Group
The first ISPN endorsed group will be on pediatric epilepsy surgery – the Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery Interest Group (PESIG). This group is driven by Jonathan Roth & Shlomi Constantini.
The roles of this interest group are:
- To unite pediatric neurosurgeons from around the world, who treat children with epilepsy.
- Share knowledge between members.
- Collect ideas for study collaborations from the interest group.
- Initiate focused studies based on these ideas.
The PESIG will also collaborate with other groups focusing on similar topics.
The PESIG will serve as a platform for performing various scientific/clinical projects, which often focus on relatively rare conditions.
We invite neurosurgeons globally who treat children with epilepsy to take part in this important effort!
Epilepsy surgery for pediatric drug-resistant epilepsy has been shown to improve seizure control, enhance patient and family QoL, and reduce mortality. However, diagnostic tools and surgical capacity are less accessible worldwide. The International Society Pediatric Neurosurgery (ISPN) has established a Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery Interest Group (PESIG), aiming to enhance global collaboration in research and educational aspects. The goals of this manuscript are to introduce PESIG and analyze geographical differences of epilepsy surgery and technology availability.
PESIG was established (2022) following an ISPN executive board decision. Using a standardized form, we surveyed the PESIG members, collecting and analyzing data regarding geographical distribution, and availability of various epilepsy treatment-related technologies.
Two hundred eighty-two members registered in PESIG from 70 countries, over 6 continents, were included. We categorized the countries by GDP as follows: low, lower-medium, upper-medium, and high income.
The most commonly available technology was vagus nerve stimulation 68%. Stereoelectroencephalography was available for 58%. North America had statistically significant greater availability compared to other continents. Europe had greater availability compared to Africa, Asia, and South (Latin) America. Asia had greater availability compared to Africa. Highincome countries had statistically significant greater availability compared to other income groups; there was no significant difference between the other income-level subgroups.
There is a clear discrepancy between countries and continents regarding access to epilepsy surgery technologies.
This strengthens the need for collaboration between neurologists and neurosurgeons from around the world, to enhance medical education and training, as well as to increase technological availability.
Keywords: Education, Global, Collaboration, Research
First PESIG paper published in CNS
We are proud to announce that the PESIG group has now published its first paper in Child’s Nervous System: ‘The Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery Interest Group (PESIG) under the auspice of the ISPN Research Committee: Availability of relevant technology and geographical distribution’