Registration is open for our next Clash of the Titans webinar: Corpus callosotomy is a dying and underutilized procedure in pediatric epilepsy surgery.
This webinar will be episode 8 in our ISPN Clash of the Titans webinar series and will take place on Friday 18 September 1PM GMT.
Titans Jeffrey Blount (USA) and Wirginia Maixner (Australia) will confront each other on this topic. The session will be moderated by Concezio di Rocco, Editor-in-Chief of Child’s Nervous System.
To join our webinar, register through the link below:
NOTE: You will receive a confirmation email* upon registration with instructions how to join the webinar.
NEW: For those who have difficulties using Zoom, the webinar will also be live broadcasted on the ISPN YouTube channel >>
Of course the feature to ask questions is only available through the live Zoom webinar
Please share this information with all of your colleagues who could be interested to join this webinar!
We look forward to welcoming you to our next webinar on Friday 18 September.
*Please also check your spam folder for the confirmation email. In case you have not received the confirmation email, please contact