2011 Goa, India Annual Meeting

39th Annual meeting of the International society for Pediatric Neurosurgery was conducted at the Hotel Grand Hyatt, Goa, India from the 16th to 20th of October 2011 under the leadership of Paul Steinbok as the ISPN President and Chandrashekhar Deopujari as the Meeting Chairman.
The meeting was attended by 475 delegates. There were 290 international delegates representing 44 countries and 185 Indians. 90 accompanying persons and 26 trade representatives also attended the meeting. `There were 89 residents and fellows attending the meeting. A nursing symposium was organized by nursing colleagues which was attended by 31 nurse delegates who were joined by local neuronurses.
The registration fees ranged from USD 500 for early registrants and then increasing to 800 USD on spot. Residents and fellows were registered at 50% discount and so were several delegates from developing countries. Apart from ISPN scholarships, 6 trainee awards were awarded to candidates chosen by scientific committee. There were 17 trade partners supporting the event at various levels.
Scientific Chair John Kestle designed an excellent program with 4 main themes over the 4 day scientific program, namely CNS infections, Suprasellar tumors, Tumors in Infancy and Cranial malformations. The program contained 19 invited lectures, 119 platform presentations and 139 posters. 3 top presentations from nursing symposium were als presented during the main scientific sessions. Three luncheon symposia were conducted on following topics: Craniovertebral junction anomalies , Hydrocephalous and SubEpndymal Giant Cell Astrocytoma. The Child’s Nervous System October issue has published all the abstracts of accepted papers for the meeting.
There was an epilepsy course arranged for young delegates on 15th, attended by 70 delegates with lectures and case discussions by ISPN and local faculty. A hydrocephalous workshop was organized on 16th October for 80 participants with lectures and hands on training on contemporary shunt systems as well as endoscopy equipment. WFNS Pediatric Neurosurgery Committee and the Indian Society of Neurooncology conducted a symposium on Germ cell Tumors on the afternoon of 29th and another on Medulloblastoma on the morning of 21st attended by 76 delegates.
There were some special lectures arranged during the meeting about History of Goa, Art of Goa, Inspired living( Indian thoughts) and evenings gave a flavor of Indian music and cuisine in addition to international favourites. The Indian society for pediatric neurosurgery brought out a special issue if the “ Journal of Pediatric Neurosciences” showcasing pediatric neurosurgery work in India across various centres.